Tag - weekly

Mobile market travels hundreds of miles weekly to ensure food security on Pine Ridge

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is vast – over 3,000,000 square miles.  The distances families and elders must travel to access healthy food are long and prohibitive for many. Hundreds of families visit the Oyate Ta Kola Ku Community Center each month to access fresh food grown in our Medicine Root community gardens.  They also come to receive food boxes, each filled...

The McConnell Senate’s weekly 30-hour fake-out must end – Conservative Partnership Institute

The McConnell Senate’s weekly 30-hour fake-out must end – Conservative Partnership Institute

This week in the “Lazy Senate,” the spotlight is on the Senate’s pesky 30-hour rule — the one that Republicans constantly blame for the Senate’s slow pace of confirmations. But is it? The short answer is, no. It’s just another excuse by Republican leadership to be, you guessed it, lazy. Here’s why. In 2013 and again in 2016, the filibuster was eliminated for...