Tag - Voters

ALERT! “Rigged” Choice Voting Robs Voters of Ballots and Throws Elections Into Chaos – Conservative Partnership Institute

ALERT! “Rigged” Choice Voting Robs Voters of Ballots and Throws Elections Into Chaos – Conservative Partnership Institute

In recent weeks, more citizens have become aware of a dangerous threat to America’s election process called “Ranked Choice Voting.” It is appearing in legislation in many states, mostly recently in Virginia, and is sometimes even embraced by Republicans who have not done enough homework to understand the danger it represents.   RCV results in votes being discarded...

Biden DOJ’s panders to illegal aliens and sabotages citizen voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

Biden DOJ’s panders to illegal aliens and sabotages citizen voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

Only in a liberal alternate universe does the President of the United States sue a state over that state’s adherence to federal law, but that is exactly what the Biden Justice Department is doing to Arizona. It is a federal crime for non-citizens to vote in federal elections, and Arizona recently further defined its procedures to ensure that a citizen’s vote is not...

New Mexico judge upholds election transparency for state voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

New Mexico judge upholds election transparency for state voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

Knowledge is power, and transparency is knowledge. The Voter Reference Foundation publishes voter lists that are already lawful public information, but often kept from the public by high fees from secretaries of state. How a person voted is not revealed; but the voter database is a critical tool for voter roll maintenance.  As usual, Democrats blocked this effort at...

“Republican” Swamp Report Betrays Conservatives and Harms all Voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

“Republican” Swamp Report Betrays Conservatives and Harms all Voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

To design a misleading message you can make stuff up or leave stuff out.  A recent report from a group of (self-proclaiming) Republicans who reside deep in the swamp arguably did both in an attempt to persuade anyone outside their own cabal that vote fraud is not a threat to our liberty. Each co-author had a personal agenda and an axe to grind against Donald Trump...

Democrat’s chief election manipulator undermines election confidence in his own voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

Democrat’s chief election manipulator undermines election confidence in his own voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

Mark Elias is the left’s head election manipulator. This Democrat operative has never found an election integrity measure he likes, nor an opportunity fraud he does not. What actually is voter suppression is when voters have a lack of confidence in elections and see no point in voting. A new poll reveals 38 percent of the electorate has little conference in results...

Heather Honey:  More ballots than voters is the tip of the iceberg for election integrity investigator  – Conservative Partnership Institute

Heather Honey:  More ballots than voters is the tip of the iceberg for election integrity investigator  – Conservative Partnership Institute

Heather Honey lives in rural Pennsylvania, with corn in her backyard and election integrity on her mind. With a background in corporate investigations, open-source research and supply chain auditing, she was the perfect professional to personally discover election irregularities in her state and track them down through records requests, “outside the box” applications...

Liberals panic and voters lose in Wisconsin’s election interference models – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberals panic and voters lose in Wisconsin’s election interference models – Conservative Partnership Institute

Imagine a partisan California billionaire putting election officials in other states on his payroll; not a donation to a political candidate, but a pot of money delivered to officials charged with protecting ballots (not candidates) with fairness and impartiality.  This happened in the 2020 election and the billionaire was Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg. When a Wisconsin...

Non-citizens voters are not more equal than others – Conservative Partnership Institute

Non-citizens voters are not more equal than others – Conservative Partnership Institute

With the assistance of the Public Interest Legal Foundation, a group of African-American citizens in New York City is suing the City Council over its recent decision to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. Pointing out that the 15th Amendment protects the right of citizens to vote regardless of race or color, the lawsuit notes, “discriminatory intent may be...

Lori Roman talks with Cleta about how to protect elderly voters from manipulation, intimidation and fraud – Conservative Partnership Institute

Lori Roman talks with Cleta about how to protect elderly voters from manipulation, intimidation and fraud – Conservative Partnership Institute

In the run-up to the 2020 elections, American Constitutional Rights Union created an important outreach program to senior citizens and senior residential facilities that brought attention to fraud, voter manipulation, and undue influence in voting by political operatives and facilities staff.  Truly a form of elderly abuse, many cases of stolen and manipulated senior...

Data shows Virginia voters also defeated Dems’ “easy to cheat” laws – Conservative Partnership Institute

Data shows Virginia voters also defeated Dems’ “easy to cheat” laws – Conservative Partnership Institute

On November 2, Virginians soundly rejected progressive anti-family, anti-American policies and their advocates. Just as important is the climate in which they did it. In recent years, majority state Democrats made 60 changes to VA voting laws that made it easier to cheat as ID laws were loosened, ballot trafficking was made legal, no excuse absentees ballots were...