Tag - Voter

A Passionate Election Integrity Expert Dedicated to Ensuring Transparency of Voter Rolls and Accountability of the Election Systems – Conservative Partnership Institute

A Passionate Election Integrity Expert Dedicated to Ensuring Transparency of Voter Rolls and Accountability of the Election Systems – Conservative Partnership Institute

v During CPI’s Arizona Statewide Election Integrity Network Summit in March of 2022, Cleta sat down with election integrity powerhouse Gina Swoboda, who has singlehandedly made great progress in making every state’s voter rolls and vote histories available to citizens across the country, all while leading election reform efforts by the Arizona legislature.   Gina has...

Linda Szynkowicz’s citizen-based “Silent Army” battles for Clean Voter Rolls….everywhere! – Conservative Partnership Institute

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“Not on Our Watch” North Carolina Republican officials must not ignore voter roll discrepancies – Conservative Partnership Institute

“Not on Our Watch” North Carolina Republican officials must not ignore voter roll discrepancies – Conservative Partnership Institute

A report from the Public Interest Legal Foundation has identified nearly 65,000 “voters” who recently voted from the grave, another state, or from multiple addresses. After being provided the data and the names, the North Carolina Board of Elections responded, “blah, blah, blah” and then blamed county boards for all erroneous registrations. In 2020, President Donald...

Citizen concern about liberal activism’s “damage to voter trust” – Conservative Partnership Institute

Citizen concern about liberal activism’s “damage to voter trust” – Conservative Partnership Institute

At Who’s Counting, we often acknowledge that citizen journalists penning local letters to the editor are often the best observers of voter concerns about election integrity. Thanks to Mr. John Harley of South Carolina for pointing out the dangers of Democrat election law manipulation, the importance of common sense vote integrity laws, and for providing factual data...

Inaccurate voter rolls plus unchecked mail balloting equals disaster for 2022 midterms – Conservative Partnership Institute

Inaccurate voter rolls plus unchecked mail balloting equals disaster for 2022 midterms – Conservative Partnership Institute

Voter rolls that were not updated combined with the left’s aggressive no-excuse absentee voting plan created a disaster for 2020 election results. Because absentee ballots are completed outside the security of polling stations, and many election officials have lackadaisical policies about verifying their authenticity, they are a prime source of fraudulent votes. Pew...

Liberal lies about voter suppression that suppress the truth – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberal lies about voter suppression that suppress the truth – Conservative Partnership Institute

President Biden recently gave an address that included falsehoods about vote security. Instead of campaigning on policy and program, it appears Democrats would rather invent “voter suppression” when minority voting is at its highest and most impactful in our history. The truth is that liberals — through bypassing legislatures and promoting ballot measures that put...

Federal indictments prove online voter registration is a pathway to fraud – Conservative Partnership Institute

Federal indictments prove online voter registration is a pathway to fraud – Conservative Partnership Institute

No transaction is more secure than one that is face-to-face. No civic duty is more important than voting. The intersection of these facts occurs during the voter registration process. Liberals are pushing for online registration, which leads to significant opportunities for fraud and abuse. As The Heritage Foundation’s election integrity expert Hans von Spakovsky...

The Left’s propaganda about voter suppression is a manipulative, political lie – Conservative Partnership Institute

The Left’s propaganda about voter suppression is a manipulative, political lie – Conservative Partnership Institute

When liberals tell falsehoods about “voter suppression” they tell big ones. Their most disgraceful lies are that minority voters are discriminated against as they were during the national embarrassment that were Jim Crow Laws, and that securing votes for all Americans somehow hurts minority voters. In recent Senate Judiciary testimony, election law attorney Hans von...

Support for voter ID still increasing among African-American voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

Support for voter ID still increasing among African-American voters – Conservative Partnership Institute

A recent poll by the Honest Elections Project revealed the liberal media’s worst nightmare: overall support for using government-issued ID to confirm identity while voting is high. Between March and July, Honest Elections discovered voter ID support was at 74 percent overall and increased 13 percent among Black voters. It’s not rocket science – black voters want...

NEW! EIN provides data showing minority Americans are voting in high numbers and support voter ID – Conservative Partnership Institute

NEW! EIN provides data showing minority Americans are voting in high numbers and support voter ID – Conservative Partnership Institute

Although liberals and their political allies continue to claim widespread voter suppression is occurring today, statistics show that nothing could be further from the truth. Election data reveals voting participation for African-Americans and other minorities is high, and climbing, and that these voters also believe showing ID to vote is a common-sense provision that...