Tag - Vote

The left lives on opposite day on vote protection laws – Conservative Partnership Institute

The left lives on opposite day on vote protection laws – Conservative Partnership Institute

Election laws that enhance voting safeguards increase voter confidence, assure people their personal vote will count, and thereby increase voter turnout. The move toward voter ID, signature verification and hardening penalties against vote fraudsters is a common-sense, pro-American, pro-voter plan. Despite the left’s senseless talking points that everything good is...

Lawyer Who Plotted to Overturn Trump Loss Recruits Election Deniers to Watch Over the Vote – Conservative Partnership Institute

Lawyer Who Plotted to Overturn Trump Loss Recruits Election Deniers to Watch Over the Vote – Conservative Partnership Institute

Voters want free and fair elections, and Election Integrity Network works every day to ensure we have them. But the left does not. In this “magnificent” hit piece on our own Cleta Mitchell and EIN, the left does two helpful things: 1. Confirms the success of our election integrity efforts; and 2. Publicizes them for us. We are grateful to the terrified liberals at...

“There’s no vote fraud” until a Democrat Congressman pleads guilty to it – Conservative Partnership Institute

“There’s no vote fraud” until a Democrat Congressman pleads guilty to it – Conservative Partnership Institute

Philadelphia is well known among election integrity advocates as a hotbed of ballot corruption and manipulation. One would expect the usual leftist activists to be committing these vote crimes. This cohort now includes former Democrat Congressman Michael J. ‘Ozzie’ Myers who pled guilty on June 6 to bribing a judge and stuffing ballot boxes, proving once again that...

Florida legislature passes first in the nation vote crime legislation – Conservative Partnership Institute

Florida legislature passes first in the nation vote crime legislation – Conservative Partnership Institute

Florida’s House and Senate has passed vote crime legislation that was a priority of the DeSantis Administration with the bill heading to the Governor’s desk for signature. In response, Democrat’s use their disingenuous talking point “but it’s not widespread!” to oppose this legislation protecting all votes by strengthening safeguards and hardening penalties for vote...

Bipartisan vote kills Democrats’ “’Voting Rights’ Lie” – Conservative Partnership Institute

Bipartisan vote kills Democrats’ “’Voting Rights’ Lie” – Conservative Partnership Institute

PJ Media’s senior columnist is also a professional comedian, and his wit shines through in this devastating commentary on the defeat of what he calls the “Democrats’ mad plan to turn the USA into USSR 2.0”  Although there’s nothing funny about the left’s attempt to federalize and fully control the votes of everyday Americans, “flying monkey” references are spot-on as...