Tag - U.S

National Academy of Public Administration Releases Report On U.S.  Patent and Trademark Office Telework Program

National Academy of Public Administration Releases Report On U.S.  Patent and Trademark Office Telework Program Post Date: July 31, 2015 WASHINGTON, D.C. — The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) of the United States Department of Commerce should continue its telework program while enhancing its management practices, and continuing its quality...

The Strategic Case for U.S. Climate Leadership

The Strategic Case for U.S. Climate Leadership

The Strategic Case for U.S. Climate Leadership | Climate Leadership Council Foreign Affairs May 30, 2020 By James A. Baker III, George P. Shultz, and Ted Halstead In the United States, the case for greater action on climate change is typically made on environmental grounds. But there are equally compelling economic, geopolitical, and national security rationales for...

NAPA President and CEO Terry Gerton’s Testimony Before the U.S.& Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management

NAPA President and CEO Terry Gerton’s Testimony Before the U.S.& Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Regulatory Affairs and Federal Management Post Date: April 06, 2017 Chairman Lankford, Ranking Member Heitkamp, and members of the Subcommittee, I appreciate the opportunity to speak before this committee today...

U.S. Could Halve Emissions Using Only a Carbon Tax

U.S. Could Halve Emissions Using Only a Carbon Tax

The U.S. could halve its emissions of planet-warming carbon dioxide by 2035, solely by adopting a carbon tax, the Climate Leadership Council said in a report out today, Dean Scott reports. “A carbon fee at the heart of a U.S. climate strategy will go further, faster than any other single policy intervention,” former EPA Administrator Christine Todd Whitman wrote in a...

Case Study: Carbon Dividends Can Grow the U.S. Steel Industry

Case Study: Carbon Dividends Can Grow the U.S. Steel Industry

Analysis bolsters case for carbon fee and border carbon adjustment to boost domestic manufacturing and jobs across the U.S. economy while lowering global emissions WASHINGTON – The Climate Leadership Council released a case study showing how a domestic carbon fee with a border carbon adjustment (BCA) can grow the U.S. steel industry. By extension, other industrial...

CO2 border tax would help U.S. reach climate goals — report

CO2 border tax would help U.S. reach climate goals — report

The Biden administration is reaching deep into its toolbox for ways to lower carbon emissions and boost U.S. manufacturing. So far, that hasn’t included a border tax on carbon-intensive imports. But it should, according to a new report organized by the Climate Leadership Council, a research organization that advocates for a carbon fee. “A properly designed domestic...

Carbon Tax Could Boost U.S. Steel, Other Industries

Carbon Tax Could Boost U.S. Steel, Other Industries

A carbon tax could give U.S. steel makers and other industries a leg up on foreign imports—if combined with a border tariff on more carbon-intensive imports from China and other countries, the Climate Leadership Council said in a report today. U.S. steel and other heavy industries enjoy a “carbon efficiency advantage” over many competitors, including steel from China...