Tag - Triumph

How Citizen Volunteer Poll Observers and Election Integrity Advocates Will Triumph Over Leftist Media Attacks – Conservative Partnership Institute

How Citizen Volunteer Poll Observers and Election Integrity Advocates Will Triumph Over Leftist Media Attacks – Conservative Partnership Institute

When the left gets nervous, it unleashes baseless attacks on good people through its cheerleaders in the media. In recent years, the anti-election integrity left has done its best to water down election protections and is now ramping up its rhetoric with not-so-subtle threats against election integrity advocates and poll observers. “Do not be dismayed!” notes EIN...

Election Integrity Facts Must Triumph Over Deceptive Language from the Left in Michigan Ballot Question….and in Every State – Conservative Partnership Institute

Election Integrity Facts Must Triumph Over Deceptive Language from the Left in Michigan Ballot Question….and in Every State – Conservative Partnership Institute

Jason Snead, Executive Director of Honest Elections Project, is not just a veteran election lawyer and policy expert, as well as a messaging guru regarding election laws and policy, but a friend to every voter in our country who wants elections to be honest, lawful and fair – and believe that all legal votes should be counted accurately. Jason and his team were on...