Tag - Tool

NASA Tool Gets Ready to Image Faraway Planets

A technology demo on the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will help increase the variety of distant planets scientists can directly image. The Roman Coronagraph Instrument on NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will help pave the way in the search for habitable worlds outside our solar system by testing new tools that block starlight, revealing planets hidden...

New tool for testing lxml XPath queries | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner May 20, 2012 I got a bit frustrated today, and decided that I should build a tool to fix my frustration. The problem was that we’re using a lot of XPath queries to scrape various court websites, but there was no tool that could be used to test xpath expressions efficiently. There are a couple tools that are quite similar to what I just built:...

Runtime is the Way | The Best ROI of Any Cloud Tool

Originally published by Sysdig. Written by James Berthoty. The cloud security market has been totally bizarre ever since it started. Why are we being given a python script to count our workloads? How do we handle sending alerts like “new unencrypted database” to a SOC? What’s the difference between this tool and the open source options? We’re all learning together...