Tag - Testing

NASA Parachute Sensor Testing Could Make EPIC Mars Landings

Landing rovers and helicopters on Mars is a challenge. It’s an even bigger challenge when you don’t have enough information about how the parachutes are enduring strain during the descent to the surface. Researchers at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards, California, are experimenting with readily available, highly elastic sensors that can be fixed to...

HuskyWorks During Rover Testing – NASA

“HuskyWorks,” a team from Michigan Technological University’s Planetary Surface Technology Development Lab, tests the excavation tools of a robot on a concrete slab, held by a gravity-offloading crane on June 12 at NASA’s Break the Ice Lunar Challenge at Alabama A&M’s Agribition Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Led by Professor Paul van Susante, the team aimed to...

Mission Manager Update: VIPER Rover Approved to Move into Environmental Testing!

While NASA’s VIPER team has been focused on building the flight rover that will go to the South Pole of the Moon, the team has also been making preparations for environmental testing of the rover.  In April, the VIPER team passed a System Test Readiness Review, exploring the readiness of the facilities, procedures, and staff to move into stress-testing the VIPER...

Hackers use developing countries as testing ground for new ransomware attacks

Hackers use developing countries as testing ground for new ransomware attacks

Cyber attackers are experimenting with their latest ransomware on businesses in Africa, Asia and South America before targeting richer countries that have more sophisticated security methods. Hackers have adopted a “strategy” of infiltrating systems in the developing world before moving to higher-value targets such as in North America and Europe, according to a...

New tool for testing lxml XPath queries | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner May 20, 2012 I got a bit frustrated today, and decided that I should build a tool to fix my frustration. The problem was that we’re using a lot of XPath queries to scrape various court websites, but there was no tool that could be used to test xpath expressions efficiently. There are a couple tools that are quite similar to what I just built:...

Tech Today: Stay Safe with Battery Testing for Space

NASA battery safety exams influence commercial product testing Battery safety is of paramount importance in space, where the risk of thermal runaway looms large. This dangerous reaction, characterized by a continuous escalation of temperatures within the battery, can potentially lead to a fire or explosion. For two decades, Judy Jeevarajan was the NASA engineer in...

AI-Specific Penetration Testing Guide | CSA

Originally published by Schellman. Did you recently implement a new artificial intelligence (AI) feature within your application and now your customers are starting to ask for AI-specific penetration tests? Are you curious as to how an assessment like that would work? As with all these exercises, it starts with scoping. Scoping goes beyond just deciding the...