Tag - Teach

Liberal unviersity uses Democrat operatives to teach election corruption – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberal unviersity uses Democrat operatives to teach election corruption – Conservative Partnership Institute

The left plans to corrupt and control elections through frivolous lawsuits that falsely claim vote suppression. To do this, they must pass their new federal election laws (like H.R. 1 and its congressional cousins) that force states to bow to the feds to make any Constitutionally-protected state voting protocol changes. AND they need to create an army of corrupt...

Interns Teach Virtual Lessons in Kenya

Video Credit: NASA/Dennis Brown, TechLit Africa When it comes to inspiring the next generation, NASA interns know no bounds. Interns at NASA’s Glenn Research Center in Cleveland taught students 7,600 miles away in Mogotio, Kenya, but thanks to technology, they didn’t travel a single mile. Collaborating with TechLit Africa — a non-profit organization that teaches...

Nine Books to Teach Kids About Body Positivity

This guest post was written by Audrey Vinkenes, a First Book Marketing and Communications Intern. She is currently a grad student at the University of Helsinki in Helsinki, Finland. It’s never too early to encourage children to feel positive about their bodies! According to the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children’s National Poll on Children’s Health, almost two...