Tag - Surprising

Alphabet Soup: NASA’s GOLD Finds Surprising C, X Shapes in Atmosphere

3 min read NASA Webb, Hubble Scientist Marcia Rieke Awarded Gruber Cosmology Prize Marcia Rieke, a scientist who worked on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope and Hubble Space Telescope, has received the Gruber Foundation’s 2024 Cosmology Prize. Rieke will receive the award and gold laureate pin at a ceremony August 8, 2024, at the General Assembly of the International...

Surprising Phosphate Finding in NASA’s OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample

Early analysis of the asteroid Bennu sample returned by NASA’s OSIRIS-REx mission has revealed dust rich in carbon, nitrogen, and organic compounds, all of which are essential components for life as we know it. Dominated by clay minerals, particularly serpentine, the sample mirrors the type of rock found at mid-ocean ridges on Earth. The magnesium-sodium phosphate...