Tag - States

Which states allow conjugal visits? – Scalawag

You can’t talk about conjugal visits without talking about television, because television is pretty much the only place where conjugal visits still exist. A wide variety of TV shows either joke about or dramatize conjugal visits, from popular sitcoms that have little to nothing to do with prison life, like The Simpsons, Family Guy, and Seinfeld, to prestige...

MEDIA ADVISORY Administrative Conference of the United States and the National Academy of Public Administration to Host Discussion of Senate Confirmation Process of Executive Branch Appointees

MEDIA ADVISORY Administrative Conference of the United States and the National Academy of Public Administration to Host Discussion of Senate Confirmation Process of Executive Branch Appointees Post Date: March 17, 2022 Two expert panels will examine current challenges and potential reforms WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS)...

Illinois trails all other states in catching killers

Murder Accountability Project: Illinois trails all other states in catching killers Illinois trails all other states in catching killers Killers are more likely to get away with murder in Illinois than in any other state. Only 37.3 percent of the 756 homicides committed in Illinois in 2015 were cleared through the arrest (or death) of the offenders, according to a...

National Music Council’s Spring 2022 Newsletter 

As we are excited to welcome the new year, we must reflect on the past two years and the impact they had on music. 2020 saw the shutdown of music performance, education, and a change in how we approach intellectual property in the United States and
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National Music Council’s Spring 2022 Newsletter As we are excited to welcome the new year, we must reflect on the past two years and the impact they had on music. 2020 saw the shutdown of music performance, education, and a change in how we approach intellectual property in the United States and Read More…

National Music Council’s Spring 2022 Newsletter
As we are excited to welcome the new year, we must reflect on the past two years and the impact they had on music. 2020 saw the shutdown of music performance, education, and a change in how we approach intellectual property in the United States and
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U.S. Music Leaders to Present “Pandemic Reflections on The Future of Music: Education, Creation, Performance and Business” Public Education Webinar on Monday, March 14, 2022. 2022, the Second Anniversary of the US Covid-19 Shutdown (Tuesday, March 8, 2022 New York, NY) The National Music Council of the United States (“the NMC”) announced today a symposium marking the...

U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Calls on States, Districts, & Higher Ed Institutions to Address Nationwide Teacher Shortage & Bolster Student Recovery with American Rescue Plan Funds. 

The National Music Council applauds US Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on his call to use American Rescue Plan funds to bolster student recovery. NMC encourages states, districts and higher education institutions to make music and the arts a big
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U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Calls on States, Districts, & Higher Ed Institutions to Address Nationwide Teacher Shortage & Bolster Student Recovery with American Rescue Plan Funds. The National Music Council applauds US Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on his call to use American Rescue Plan funds to bolster student recovery. NMC encourages states, districts and higher education institutions to make music and the arts a big Read More…

U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Calls on States, Districts, & Higher Ed Institutions to Address Nationwide Teacher Shortage & Bolster Student Recovery with American Rescue Plan Funds. The National Music Council applauds US Education Secretary Miguel Cardona on his call to use American Rescue Plan funds to bolster student recovery. NMC encourages...

National Music Council of the United States Presents Progressive Rock Icon, Creators’ Rights Activist and Music Educator David Lowery with the Prestigious American Eagle Award for 2022

Los Angeles, California, June 8, 2022 – On June 2, the National Music Council of the United States presented progressive rock icon, creators’ rights activist and music educator David Lowery with its 2022 American Eagle Award.  NMC is the Congressionally chartered umbrella organization representing virtually all of the most active music industry groups in America, and...

Homicide clearance in the United States drops to a new low

Much attention has been given to the recently released 2020 Uniform Crime Report showing nearly a 30 percent increase in homicides in the United States, the largest single-year rise on record. But little regard has been paid to an equally disturbing trend. Law enforcement agencies cleared only 54 percent of homicides by arresting and formally charging the suspected...

The Debate to Lower the Voting Age in the United States

As the presidential election continues to build, it’s hard to miss the political surveys, ads, and campaign promises that seem to turn the whole entire world into one big splash of red, white, and blue. Gen Z is especially oversaturated with political information, from conversations with their friends and families to more unconventional sources like TikTok...