Tag - Space

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… NASA announces nuclear thermal propulsion reactor concept awards. The agency is working on adding Orion’s launch abort system onto the spacecraft ahead of the Artemis I mission. Human Space Exploration NASA issues contracts for nuclear thermal propulsion studiesCoalition Members in the News – Aerojet Rocketdyne, BWX Technologies, Lockheed...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… The Commerce, Justice, and Science (CJS) appropriations bill, which funds NASA, advances to the full House. Lockheed Martin opens the STAR Center.     Human Space Exploration House appropriators add nod to 2024Coalition Members in the News – Boeing, BWX Technologies, Made in Space, Northrop GrummanSpaceNews.com (7/16): The House...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… Boeing’s Starliner has been stacked atop its launch vehicle, a ULA Atlas V rocket, ahead of Orbital Flight Test-2. Artemis I gets help from previous space shuttle veterans ahead of integrated simulation.   Human Space ExplorationStarliner stacked atop rocket for launch of Boeing’s 2nd Orbital Flight Test July 30Coalition Members in the...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… As NASA and the world celebrate the 52nd anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing, the production of deep space launch vehicles and space tourism ramp up.   Human Space Exploration Boeing working on multiple Cores, first EUS hardware for Artemis missions 2-4Coalition Members in the News – Aerojet Rocketdyne, Boeing, Futuramic, Northrop...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… The Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module set to launch to the International Space Station today. Lawmaker plans to introduce legislation that would establish excise taxes on commercial human space flights that aren’t focused on scientific research.   Human Space ExplorationRussia will launch a new science lab to the International Space...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… Boeing cleared by NASA for Starliner’s Orbital Flight Test-2 launch on July 30. The InSight Mars lander reveals the deep interior of the Red Planet.   Human Space Exploration SLS engineering tests to accompany pre-launch checkouts for Artemis ICoalition Members in the News – Boeing, Jacobs, United Launch AllianceNASAspaceflight.com...

Primary Instrument for Roman Space Telescope Arrives at NASA Goddard

The primary instrument for NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is a sophisticated camera that will survey the cosmos from the outskirts of our solar system all the way out to the edge of the observable universe. Called the Wide Field Instrument, it was recently delivered to the agency’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The camera’s large field...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… Pirs airlock and docking module successfully departed the International Space Station to free a docking port for Nauka. Mars drone helicopter Ingenuity flew a 10th flight on Saturday surpassing the 1-mile mark for all its missions thus far.   Human Space ExplorationRussian’s Pirs module discarded after 20 years of service at Space...

NASA Challenge Seeks ‘Cooler’ Solutions for Deep Space Exploration

NASA’s Human Lander Challenge, or HuLC, is now open and accepting submissions for its second year. As NASA aims to return astronauts to the Moon through its Artemis campaign in preparation for future missions to Mars, the agency is seeking ideas from college and university students for evolved supercold, or cryogenic, propellant applications for human landing systems...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… Boeing’s Orbital Flight Test-2 facing potential weather delay for Friday’s launch. A virtual center called SatHub could provide astronomers with the tools to avoid satellite passes from growing satellite mega-constellations as they pursue their scientific observations.   Human Space ExplorationWeather key issue for Starliner...