Tag - Space

Space Access’02 Info 4/22/02

Space Access’02 Info 4/22/02

Space Access’02 Info 4/22/02 Space Access Society's Space Access '02 Conference April 25-27, 2002, in Phoenix Arizona (Updated 4/22/02) Make your arrangements ASAP to attend our tenth annual conference on the business, politics, and technology of radically cheaper space transportation, Space Access '02, Thursday evening April 25th through Saturday night April...

Space Access ’01 Schedule and Notes, Wednesday 4/25/01

Space Access ’01 Schedule and Notes, Wednesday 4/25/01

Space Access ’01 Schedule and Notes, Wednesday 4/25/01 Space Access '01 Schedule and Notes, Wednesday 4/25/01 First, a couple of notes. As of this morning, our hotel, the Holiday Inn Old Town in Scottsdale Arizona, reports having rooms available on all three nights of our conference. If you haven't already, reserve now! 800 695-6995 or 480 994-9203, try...

Space Access ’00 Conference, Last-Minute Info, 4/24/00

Space Access ’00 Conference, Last-Minute Info, 4/24/00

Space Access ’00 Conference, Last-Minute Info, 4/24/00 Space Access '00 Conference, Last-Minute Info - Hotel Rooms If you have a room booked at the Holiday Inn Old Town Scottsdale and you're arriving late and it's not confirmed for late arrival, call them at 800 695-6995 and confirm it - the hotel has been telling people it's full for our dates for the last day...

Space Access Society Bulletin, 2/12/02

Space Access Society Bulletin, 2/12/02

Space Access Society Bulletin, 2/12/02 Space Access Society bulletin, 2/12/02 We have a hotel, repeat, we have a hotel. We just got back from finally inking contracts for Space Access '02 to be at the Quality Inn South Mountain (same place as SA '99 three years ago) in Ahwatukee, an affluent suburban southeastern corner of Phoenix, eight miles from the main Phoenix...

Space Access Society bulletin, 1/18/02

Space Access Society bulletin, 1/18/02

Space Access Society bulletin, 1/18/02 Space Access Society bulletin, 1/18/02 Looking back on the last year, the most important single event from our point of view was the passing of Max Hunter last fall. He was a visionary and an inspiration, and we miss him. We just got word of the memorial service for him (thanks, Don Doughty) and thought we should pass it along...

Space Access Political Alert 10/6/99

Space Access Political Alert 10/6/99

Space Access Political Alert 10/6/99 Space Access Political Action Alert 10/6/99 ____________________________________________________________________ HUD/VA Conference Finally Happens Thursday 10/7 1:30 PM EDT Extra Money May Be Available for NASA Future-X - Fax or Call The Conferees By Thursday Noon EDT! Summary: "Please add $50 million to NASA Future-X for low-cost...

Space Access Political Action Alert 9/22/99

Space Access Political Action Alert 9/22/99

Space Access Political Action Alert 9/22/99 Space Access Political Action Alert 9/22/99 ____________________________________________________________________ HUD/VA Conference Due Late This Week Or Early Next Money May Be Available for NASA Future-X - Fax or Call These Appropriators ASAP! Summary: The job now is persuading the HUD/VA (NASA) Appropriators to "designate...

Space Access Political Alert 9/21/99

Space Access Political Alert 9/21/99

Space Access Political Alert 9/21/99 Space Access Political Action Alert 9/21/99 ____________________________________________________________________ Defense Appropriations Conference Happens Wednesday 9/22 Fax or Call These Senators, Representatives ASAP! Summary: The first of two jobs this week is to persuade the House-Senate conference committee, that will work...

Space Access Political Alert 9/14/99

Space Access Political Alert 9/14/99

Space Access Political Alert 9/14/99 Space Access Political Action Alert 9/14/99 ____________________________________________________________________ Senate HUD/VA Markup Happens Wednesday, Thursday Fax or Call These Senators ASAP! Summary: The job this week is persuading the Senate NASA Appropriators to "add $30 million for NASA Future-X flight demonstrators, as...

Space Access Political Action Alert 9/3/99

Space Access Political Action Alert 9/3/99

Space Access Political Action Alert 9/3/99 Space Access Political Action Alert 9/3/99 ____________________________________________________________________ - Contact Your Congressman by Wednesday! - Senate HUD/VA Markup Likely Week After Next Write, Fax or Call Your Congressman by Wednesday! Congress will come back into session after their August break this coming...