Tag - Space

Space Access Update #115 7/14/10

Space Access Update #115 7/14/10

Space Access Update #124  6/20/11 Copyright 2011 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________   We don’t (currently) expect further legislative action on NASA Exploration budget and policy before sometime in July.  As the political season slows to its usual hot-weather saunter...

Space Access Update #115 7/14/10

Space Access Update #115 7/14/10

Space Access Update #123  4/14/11 Copyright 2011 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________ Contents This Issue: – NASA FY’11 Exploration Funding: A Setback   – Space Access ’11 Conference Successful ...

Space Access Update #115 7/14/10

Space Access Update #115 7/14/10

Space Access Update #122  4/2/11 Copyright 2011 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________ Contents This Issue:  – Space Access ’11 Conference Next Week!  – NASA Exploration Funding:           Some Background           Latest Status           An Action Request...

Space Access Update #120 9/22/10

Space Access Update #120 9/22/10

Space Access Update #121  2/16/11 Copyright 2011 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________ This week, the House of Representatives is debating a new Continuing Resolution (CR) that will appropriate funds for the Federal Government for the rest of federal fiscal year 2011 (FY’11...

Space Access Update #120 9/22/10

Space Access Update #120 9/22/10

Space Access Update #120  9/23/10 Copyright 2010 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________           URGENT NASA Funding Battle Action   In a surprise move, the House parties to the ongoing House-Senate negotiations over a NASA Authorization bill have unilaterally come up with a...

Space Access Update #119 9/20/10

Space Access Update #119 9/20/10

Space Access Update #119  9/20/10 Copyright 2010 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________ Contents This Issue:    – Status Report on the NASA Funding Battle    – A Friend Asks For Help ________________________________________________________________________            ...

Space Access Update #115 7/14/10

Space Access Update #115 7/14/10

Space Access Update #118  8/30/10 Copyright 2010 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________             The NASA Authorization Battle: Why It Matters   A week ago we asked you all to actively support the Senate version FY 2011 NASA Authorization bill.  We described it as not...

Space Access Update #117 8/21/10

Space Access Update #117 8/21/10

        Space Access Update #117  8/21/10      Copyright 2010 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________ Contents This Issue: NASA Exploration Funding: The Battle Continues             – A Followup to             SAU #115 “The New NASA Exploration Policy/An URGENT Call To...

Space Access Update #115 7/14/10

Space Access Update #115 7/14/10

                       Space Access Update #116  7/29/10                   Copyright 2010 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________ Contents This Issue: – NASA Exploration Funding: An URGENT Call To Action ...

Space Access Update #114 2/20/06

Space Access Update #114 2/20/06

Space Access Update #114 2/20/06 Space Access Update #114 2/20/06 Copyright 2006 by Space Access Society ________________________________________________________________________ Do not hit "reply" to email us - it'll be buried in tides of spam, and we won't ever see it. Email us at [email protected]...