Tag - Space

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… NASA continuing to prepare the Space Launch System rockets for future Artemis missions. James Webb Space Telescope begins the precise maneuver of lining up the primary and secondary mirrors.   Human Space ExplorationNASA getting SLS megarockets ready for crewed Moon missionsCoalition Members in the News – Aerojet Rocketdyne, Boeing...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… What will the James Webb Space Telescope’s first images be? NASA leasing act transformed into voting rights legislation.   Space Science What will the James Webb Space Telescope look at first?Space.com (1/14): As the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) begins the lengthy process of aligning its 18 primary mirror segments, a question burns...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… Paragon Space Development Corp. finalized a contract to provide support for the Northrop Grumman Habitation and Logistics Outpost. The NASA Advisory Council’s Human Exploration and Operations Committee meets Tuesday and Wednesday. On Thursday, the space subcommittee of the House Science, Space, and Technology committee will hold a virtual...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… Teams at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center working to finish preparations in time for mid-February rollout of Artemis I integrated vehicle for wet dress rehearsal. NASA astronaut corps may be too small.   Human Space ExplorationEGS, Jacobs working to finish testing in time for Artemis I rollout in mid-FebruaryCoalition Members in the News –...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… NASA confirms Russian ASAT test has doubled the risk of debris penetrating the International Space Station. Israel to sign the Artemis Accords. Federal budget standstill having ‘ripple effects’ on national security space missions.   Human Space ExplorationNASA confirms Russian ASAT test doubled debris risk to ISSSpacepolicyonline.com...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… Axiom Space working with Space Entertainment Enterprise to build space film studio. InSight lander awakens from safe mode.   Human Space ExplorationESA looks to space summit to endorse human spaceflight effortsSpaceNews.com (1/20): The European Space Agency (ESA) and European Union member states are to convene on February 16 in Toulouse...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… JWST to reach its new home today. A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket on January 21 launched space-monitoring satellites for the U.S. Space Force.   Space Science The James Webb Space Telescope glides to its deep-space parking spot today!Coalition Member in the News – Northrop GrummanSpace.com (1/24): Nearly a month after its...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… James Webb Space Telescope arrives at its home at the second Sun-Earth Lagrange point nearly one million miles from the Earth. The Artemis I mission will include secondary payloads, one of which will visit the smallest asteroid ever to be studied by a spacecraft.   Space Science Webb Space Telescope arrives at L2SpacePolicyOnline.com...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… NASA crossed another milestone this week in its preparations for Artemis I, an upcoming uncrewed test flight of the Space Launch System and Orion capsule around the Moon and back to Earth. Meanwhile, Russia and China appear poised to enter a long-term agreement intended to lead to a human lunar research station.   Human Space...

Today’s Deep Space Extra – Explore Deep Space

In Today’s Deep Space Extra… Israel joins Artemis Accords. The first launch of United Launch Alliance’s Vulcan rocket will include a memorial to those who produced the Star Trek television series, and fans.   Human Space Exploration Israel becomes 15th nation to join Artemis AccordsSpaceNews.com (1/27): Israel has joined the Artemis Accords, a U.S.-led set of...