Tag - Smart

Get Smart About What Really Happened in the 2020 Election – Conservative Partnership Institute

Get Smart About What Really Happened in the 2020 Election – Conservative Partnership Institute

J. Christian Adams of the Public Interest Legal Foundation presents a concise review of the corruption liberals baked into the election of 2020: private leftist money and its one-sided political interference and “a banana-republic style suspension of election rules.” Christian’s spot-on assessment demands enforcement of election laws and state lawmakers taking action...

The Smart Way to Reduce Emissions and Outmaneuver Our Rivals

[….] Most nations won’t risk their own economic well-being in the hope of reversing what is clearly a global problem. And it would be a mistake for the United States to do so without adopting a plan that compels other large carbon-emitting nations to do the same. The Biden administration is right to recognize the risks of climate change, but it has so far failed to...

The ‘smart’ carbon pricing plan

The ‘smart’ carbon pricing plan

Climate change damage is greatly accelerating, so we must address how to greatly decelerate greenhouse gas emissions. The carbon tax framework proposed by James A. Baker III and Greg Bertelsen was a made-to-order game changer.  There will be reshuffling in the employment area as a result of a carbon tax. So it seems prudent to add to the framework a set-aside of some...

MEDIA ADVISORY: NAPA, ASU, AGS & NAC Host Summit on Transportation Infrastructure Investment: “Building a Shared Map of the Nation’s Infrastructure to Enable Smart Investments”

MEDIA ADVISORY: NAPA, ASU, AGS & NAC Host Summit on Transportation Infrastructure Investment: “Building a Shared Map of the Nation’s Infrastructure to Enable Smart Investments” Post Date: April 16, 2018 WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Academy of Public Administration, Arizona State University, the American Geographical Society and the National Academy of...

NAPA, ASU, AGS & NAC Host Summit on Transportation Infrastructure Investment, “Building a Shared Map of the Nation’s Infrastructure to Enable Smart Investments”

NAPA, ASU, AGS & NAC Host Summit on Transportation Infrastructure Investment, “Building a Shared Map of the Nation’s Infrastructure to Enable Smart Investments” Post Date: May 01, 2018 WASHINGTON, D.C. – The National Academy of Public Administration, Arizona State University, the American Geographical Society and the National Academy of Construction today...