Tag - Science

NASA’s Hubble Restarts Science in New Pointing Mode

Hubble went into safe mode May 24 due to an ongoing issue with one of its gyroscopes (gyros), which measure the telescope’s slew rates and are part of the system that determines and controls the direction the telescope is pointed. The gyro had been increasingly returning faulty readings over the past six months, suspending science operations multiple times. This led...

Summary of the Ninth DSCOVR EPIC and NISTAR Science Team Meeting

Kai Yang [UMD] presented the algorithm for retrieving tropospheric O3 from EPIC by estimating the stratosphere–troposphere separation of retrieved O3 profiles. This approach contrasts with the traditional residual method, which relies on the stratospheric O3 fields from independent sources. Validated against the near-coincident O3 sonde measurements, EPIC data biased...

Voyager 1 Returning Science Data From All Four Instruments

5 min read NASA’s Perseverance Fords an Ancient River to Reach Science Target Originally thought of as little more than a route clear of rover-slowing boulders, Neretva Vallis has provided a bounty of geologic options for the science team.    After detouring through a dune field to avoid wheel-rattling boulders, NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover reached its latest area...

NASA’s Perseverance Fords an Ancient River to Reach Science Target

Originally thought of as little more than a route clear of rover-slowing boulders, Neretva Vallis has provided a bounty of geologic options for the science team.    After detouring through a dune field to avoid wheel-rattling boulders, NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover reached its latest area of scientific interest on June 9. The route change not only shortened the...

NASA’s Webb Opens New Window on Supernova Science

The JADES Deep Field uses observations taken by NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) as part of the JADES (JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey) program. A team of astronomers studying JADES data identified about 80 objects that changed in brightness over time. Most of these objects, known as transients, are the result of exploding stars or supernovae. See...

Sols 4202-4204: Sticking Around – NASA Science

The lighter-toned rocks like those of Whitebark pass, which you can see above, are scattered all throughout our workspace and are getting the majority of our attention. The advantage of a nice long weekend plan with no driving is that we have plenty of time to get in contact science, with MAHLI and APXS getting up close with two targets called ‘Gray Peak’ and ‘Snow...

Ames Science Directorate’s Stars of the Month, June 2024

The NASA Ames Science Directorate recognizes the outstanding contributions of (pictured left to right) Amy Gresser, Mary Beth Wilhelm, Taylor Bell, and Liane Guild. Their commitment to the NASA mission represents the talent, camaraderie, and vision needed to explore this world and beyond. Space Biosciences Star: Amy Gresser Dr. Amy Gresser is the Space Biology...

Summary of the 2023 Precipitation Measurement Mission Science Team Meeting

As discussed in Will McCarty’s remarks, AOS is a key component of the Earth System Observatory that was recommended in the 2017 Decadal Survey. The mission will deliver transformative observations fundamental to understanding coupled aerosol– and cloud–precipitation processes that profoundly impact weather, climate, and air quality. Two AOS projects are in the...