Tag - RFP

SFS Announces RFP to Advance Strategic Plan Objectives

SFS Announces RFP to Advance Strategic Plan Objectives

The SFS Long Range Planning Committee (LRPC) has announced a 2018/2019 Request for Proposals for projects that address Objectives and Goals of the SFS Five-Year Strategic Plan. The LRPC is allocated $25K annually by SFS to encourage efforts to implement Strategic Plan elements. The competition is open to SFS members only, and proposals should be submitted according...

With New RFP, OpenSFS to Invest in Critical Open Source Technologies for HPC

Today OpenSFS released a new Request for Proposals for Lustre feature development feature development, parallel file system tools, addressing Lustre technical debt, and new efforts in parallel file system development (incubators). In 2012, OpenSFS invested over $2 million dollars in open source scalable file system technologies, including significant investments in...