Tag - Results

Another round of muddled election results in Pennsylvania – Conservative Partnership Institute

Another round of muddled election results in Pennsylvania – Conservative Partnership Institute

As Jason Snead of Honest Elections Project Action points out in this piece about the latest election integrity disaster in Pennsylvania: “Americans are fed up. They want elections they can trust, and fresh polling shows that the public is united behind common sense voting reform.” Election integrity is not a partisan issue; it is a voter issue, and Jason lists...

Irrefutable evidence of electronic manipulation in Fulton County’s 2020 results – Conservative Partnership Institute

Irrefutable evidence of electronic manipulation in Fulton County’s 2020 results – Conservative Partnership Institute

After a year-long intensive investigation of ballot images, Georgia’s election integrity watchdog group, VoterGA, has found verifiable irregularities in hundreds of thousands of ballot images — with 374,128 original images completely missing. The 15-point analysis shows that in a state where only 11,000 votes separated Joe Biden and Donald Trump, in one county alone...

Election lawbreakers in both parties skewed results in 2020 – Conservative Partnership Institute

Election lawbreakers in both parties skewed results in 2020 – Conservative Partnership Institute

In this introductory episode of Who’s Counting with Cleta Mitchell, the country’s premier election expert reveals documented shenanigans by activist liberals in the judiciary from Montana to Georgia and beyond that corrupted results while election integrity proponents tried to secure accurate counts. You may be surprised to hear that state election laws were not just...

Broken mail-in ballot corrupted WI’s 2020 election results – Conservative Partnership Institute

Broken mail-in ballot corrupted WI’s 2020 election results – Conservative Partnership Institute

A new report from PILF is yet another example of widespread mail-in ballots skewing election results and thwarting the will of voters. PILF notes that “Wisconsin (lost) track of more ballots than the difference between winning and losing its Electoral College votes,” calling the resultant bungling of voter intent “core system failure” as the mistake were greater than...

SFS Announces 2024 Leadership Election Results

SFS Announces 2024 Leadership Election Results

Entrekin elected President of the Society for Freshwater Science Griffiths will serve as Vice-President; Akamagwuna, Hood, and Levi elected to three-year terms May 15, 2024 — The Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) today announced that its members have chosen Sally Entrekin to serve as SFS President in the Society’s 2024 Leadership Election. “As President of the...

April 22 Board Meeting Results

Attendees and agenda The full board was present, including André Arko, Coraline Ada Ehmke, Valerie Woolard Srinivasen, Allison Sheren McMillan, Courteney Ervin, and Adarsh Pandit. Topics included increasing communication with the community, increasing transparency about how projects are funded, and the board’s position on funded project governance. Decisions To...

SFS Announces Leadership Election Results

SFS Announces Leadership Election Results

SOCIETY FOR FRESHWATER SCIENCE ANNOUNCES 2023 LEADERSHIP ELECTION RESULTS May 30, 2023 — The Society for Freshwater Science (SFS) is honored to announce the results of its 2023 leadership elections. The Society is an international scientific organization whose purpose is to promote further understanding of freshwater ecosystems and ecosystems at the interface between...