Tag - Rest

CourtListner’s REST API Featured on Programmable Web | Free Law Project

Brian Carver December 13, 2013 Yesterday Mark Boyd published a great story about the CourtListener API on Programmable Web. Mark talked to several of the API’s early adopters and really learned what the issues are and how people are addressing them. Thanks to all those quoted in the story for taking the time to talk with Mark about the CourtListener REST API...

We who believe in freedom cannot rest until it comes – Scalawag

As winter storms rocked Texas and others across the South last week, Southern organizers waited for no one to do what they do best: stepping up to make it happen. Volunteers signed up to phonebank for wellness checks, and mutual aid networks continue to expand their capacity to intervene where policy has failed. The government failures may continue to pile up while...

Rest is Not Resistance, and That is OK – Scalawag

the night my Gramma died. I received a call around 11 p.m. the night my Gramma died. I immediately knew what the buzzing on my nightstand meant for my world from then on. That knowing prevented me from answering the phone. One, I wanted to hold onto my grandmother for one more night. Two, getting on the call meant that I would have to calculate how much time I could...