Tag - Resistance

White food media and the commodification of resistance – Scalawag

Author’s Note: This piece was originally set to be published elsewhere in February, until it was killed by shifting editorial priorities in the wake of the coronavirus. Now food media publications are talking that Black Lives Matter shit. Don’t forget that where the media operates in news cycles, their allegiance is to the moment, not change. The language...

Black love as a form of resistance – Scalawag

So far, I have attempted to comprehend what is at stake for black erotic love by way of an example from popular culture—the domain in which erotic definitions of love furnished by black feminists are gaining increased uptake. With former Bachelor Matt James as analogy, I aimed to evidence how the pursuit for erotic love follows a politics of reprieve, a term I take...

Rest is Not Resistance, and That is OK – Scalawag

the night my Gramma died. I received a call around 11 p.m. the night my Gramma died. I immediately knew what the buzzing on my nightstand meant for my world from then on. That knowing prevented me from answering the phone. One, I wanted to hold onto my grandmother for one more night. Two, getting on the call meant that I would have to calculate how much time I could...