Tag - Remediation

Automated Cloud Remediation – Hype or Viable Strategy?

Originally published by Tamnoon. Written by Idan Perez, CTO, Tamnoon. What role does automation play in cloud remediation? Will it replace or simply augment the role of security and R&D teams? Over 60% of the world’s corporate data now resides in the cloud, and securing this environment has become a daunting task. The vast attack surface and countless potential...

Neutralizing the Threat with Cloud Remediation

Originally published by Tamnoon. Written by Michael St.Onge, Principal Security Architect, Tamnoon. Smooth remediation requires meticulous coordination across tools, teams, and schedules. The complexity and scale of the remediation process may suggest that only a manual or an automated process can deal with it. Ideally, an organization can leverage the best of each...

Strategies for Security Remediation in 2024

Originally published by Dazz. Written by Jordan McMahon, Corporate Marketing, Dazz. In the fast-paced world of cybersecurity, staying ahead of threats while driving innovation is a delicate balance that requires teamwork and clarity. But as the recent CSA State of Security Remediation report noted, one of the biggest problems security and developer teams face is...

Mapping the Impact of Cloud Remediation

Originally published by Tamnoon. Written by Michael St.Onge, Principal Security Architect, Tamnoon. What is impact analysis? Performing an impact analysis is a critical step in the cloud remediation process that employs methodical techniques to answer the questions: “What might go wrong if we implement this fix?” – and the equally-important “What might go wrong if we...