Tag - Releasing

Releasing V3 of the API, Deprecating V1 and V2 | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner January 31, 2016 This post is one with mixed news, so I’ll start with the good news, which is that version 3.0 of the CourtListener API is now available. It’s a huge improvement over versions 1 and 2: It is now browsable. Go check it out. You can click around the API and peruse the data without doing any programming. At the top of every...

Releasing Version 1.2 of CSAP Parts 1 to 3

Today we are releasing updates to the following parts of the Common Security Architecture for Production (CSAP): CSAP Part 1: Architecture (v1.2) CSAP Part 2: Interfaces (v1.2) CSAP Part 3: Security Levels (v1.2) These new versions come in response to comments from those organizations actively implementing CSAP in their workflows and systems. You talked, we listened...