Tag - reimagining

In Utah, Ze Min Xiao is reimagining what it means to belong

Ze Min Xiao’s philosophy of belonging is simple: “It’s not just about meeting basic needs. It’s about giving people opportunities to contribute to society and feel like their authentic selves, not the selves we ask them to be,” she said. Xiao came to this epiphany about belonging early in her career when she was working as the refugee liaison for the mayor’s office...

Reimagining Opportunities for Investment (ROI) in the South

The U.S. South is fastest growing region in the country. And one of the most overlooked opportunities within the investment industry. The W.K. Kellogg Foundation has been making investments in the region for decades. And we’ve learned that to make equitable investments in the South, you first must understand the region and all of its beautiful complexities.  ...