Tag - rehabilitation

Post-Incarceration Syndrome and the myth of rehabilitation – Scalawag

When I leave my cell, I leave with a plan. I am headed to the trash, the ice machine, the phone, and back to my cell with my head down, my pace fast. I set my course, half hoping my folks won’t answer my call and I can get back to my cell quicker, and half terrified that they won’t, confirming my desolation. I count my steps. Somewhere between the trash...

How officials sabotage rehabilitation goals for profits – Scalawag

Standing in the prison hallway after class, my classmate Evan asked me a sobering question: “How do I forgive the person who murdered my dad?” Knowing we would need more time to tackle that issue, I promised to talk with him after class the following week. Unfortunately, that class never came. The Building Blocks program in which Evan and I met was...