Tag - Rally

The Bergen County Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence Rally

April 30, 2013 Stand Up For Gun SanityTook place on April 21, 2013   Photo courtesy of Teaneck Patch For more info and event photos visit Speakers included:Loretta WeinbergNJ State Senate Majority Leader Robert GordonNJ State Senator Carole StillerNJ Million Mom March Chapters of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence Richard MutiAuthor and former Mayor of Ramsey...

Former Fed Leaders, Economists Rally Around Carbon Tax

Former Fed Leaders, Economists Rally Around Carbon Tax

WASHINGTON—An all-star roster of former Federal Reserve leaders and White House economic advisers are signing on to a new statement in support of a carbon tax on businesses that sends the revenue to U.S. citizens. Former Fed chair Alan Greenspan and former Council of Economic Advisers chief Austan Goolsbee are among dozens of economists now backing a set of...

Puffin Cosponsors March 7th Rally to Ban Unsafe Oil Trains in Bergen County

February 24, 2015 Rally to Ban Unsafe Oil Trains from the Oradell Reservoir and Our Communities Because of an oil boom in the Bakken region of North Dakota, up to thirty CSX trains carrying toxic and highly volatile crude oil pass through Bergen County every week. These trains – up to 100 cars-long – pass over the Oradell Reservoir, source of drinking water for...