Tag - Quantum

Quantum Readiness Importance: A Comprehensive Guide

Written by Ascertia. Digital security is evolving at a blistering pace. The advent of quantum computing represents both a formidable challenge and a significant opportunity. Ascertia recognises the need for businesses to prepare for this technological shift to ensure the integrity of digital identities and signatures. This blog, based on a recent #AscertiaOn with...

Solid State Quantum Magnetometers—Seeking out water worlds from the quantum world

However, looking beneath the miles-thick ice crusts of these planetary bodies with conventional remote-sensing instruments, like cameras and radar, is challenging. Until we can send landers or rovers that drill or melt through the ice, we can use other techniques to track down these enormous, but elusive, water bodies. One method—Magnetometry—stands out since...

FS-ISAC APAC Summit 2023 – AI and Quantum implications for cybersecurity

Mike Silverman has a unique blend of a business and technology background, with 20 years of experience in strategic, technological, financial, and change management leadership across many industries, primarily in Financial Services and Software. He enables firms to innovate, scale, and transform through increasing productivity, reducing costs, and streamlining...