Tag - Price

Study Shows How A Carbon Price Can Speed Progress to Net Zero

Study Shows How A Carbon Price Can Speed Progress to Net Zero

WASHINGTON, DC – The Climate Leadership Council released a new report outlining why a carbon price is an essential tool to reach net-zero emissions by midcentury. The report shows that a carbon fee by itself will halve U.S. CO2 emissions and dramatically curb some of the most common air pollutants by 2035. If combined with other commonly-discussed mitigation tools...

Why a price is right for carbon

Why a price is right for carbon

In their new budget plan, Senate Democrats call for a tax on imports from high-emitting countries, but they lack a carbon price at home. According to economists on the right and the left, taxing carbon domestically is the best weapon against climate change. Accounting for the price of pollution would incentivize the prompt development of affordable technologies...

Cryptocurrencies: The price that President Bukele is ready to pay to turn El Salvador into a bitcoin nation | U.S.

Nayib Bukele, the president of El Salvador, is taking his public persona of a millennial disruptor to new heights and to a place where no one can predict the consequences. The Central American country is going to be the first in the world to adopt bitcoin as an official currency, a decision that has been announced in English and fast-tracked by a parliament that is...

Does a BCA Require a Carbon Price?

Across continents and political aisles border carbon adjustments (BCAs) have been gaining increasing attention and interest among policymakers. This is encouraging. Setting the global economy on a trajectory to meet any of our global emission reduction targets will require more market signals rewarding lower emitting production and disincentivizing higher emitting...