Tag - Planet

Mycotecture off Planet

Lynn RothschildNASA Ames Research Center (ARC) A turtle carries its habitat. While reliable, it costs energy in transporting mass. NASA makes the same trade-off when it transports habitats and other structures off planet “on the back” of its missions. While this approach is reliable, to save upmass and increase mission flexibility, NASA must be more like a bird, low...

Perseverance Finds Popcorn on Planet Mars

Perseverance arrived at the base of this outcrop on sol 1175, and geologists on the science team were mesmerized by the strange textures of the light toned rocks found there. These rocks are filled with sharp ridges that resemble the mineral veins found at the base of the fan, but there appears to be more of them here. Additionally, some rocks are densely packed with...

PACE Celebrates National Ocean Month With Colorful Views of the Planet

Credit: NASA/Ryan Fitzgibbons What do you give to an ocean that has everything? This year, for National Ocean Month, NASA’s Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) satellite— is gifting us a unique look at our home planet. The visualizations created with data from the satellite, which launched on Feb. 8, are already enhancing the ways that we view our seas...

Discovery Alert: Spock’s Home Planet Goes ‘Poof’

The bad news for Star Trek fans comes from an instrument known as NEID, a recent addition to the complex of telescopes at Kitt Peak National Observatory. NEID, like other radial velocity instruments, relies on the “Doppler” effect: shifts in the light spectrum of a star that reveal its wobbling motions. In this case, parsing out the supposed planet signal at various...

Welcome Back to Planet Earth, Expedition 70 Crew! 

On May 16, 2024, a crowd of more than 500 people gathered at Space Center Houston’s IMAX theater for the Expedition 70 crew debrief and awards ceremony. Crew members from NASA’s SpaceX Crew-7 and Soyuz MS-24 missions shared reflections from their voyage aboard the International Space Station and bestowed well-deserved recognition upon Johnson Space Center employees...

ScienceCraft for Outer Planet Exploration (SCOPE)

Mahmooda SultanaNASA Goddard Space Flight Center Missions to the outer solar system are an important part of NASA’s goals because these scarcely visited worlds, particularly the ice giants Neptune and Uranus, hold secrets about the formation and evolution of our solar system and countless others. However, due to the high cost, long travel time and narrow window for...

This Climate Bill Would Actually Send Checks To Americans. Can It Help Save The Planet And Grow Our Economy?

This Climate Bill Would Actually Send Checks To Americans. Can It Help Save The Planet And Grow Our Economy?

… Do Republicans Hate It? That depends on who you ask. A notable group — including James A. Baker, Henry Paulson, George P. Shultz, Marty Feldstein, Greg Mankiw and Bob Inglis — have championed carbon taxes for years. While this pedigree may not matter to some Republicans, it is important to remember that a carbon tax is in line with conservative principles. In 2017...

NASA’s Webb Maps Weather on Planet 280 Light-Years Away

Global temperature map of the hot gas-giant exoplanet WASP-43 b. This map was made based on the brightness of 5- to 12-micron mid-infrared light detected from the planet by MIRI (the Mid-Infrared Instrument) on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. In general, the hotter an object is, the more mid-infrared light it gives off. Although the planet is far too close to the...

Transforming Public Procurement for People and the Planet

This blog post has been crossposted from the Open Contracting Partnership (OCP) and references their new strategy. For further information on OCP’s new strategy and initiatives, readers are encouraged to visit OCP’s official website for further information and how OCP can help you implement better, more inclusive and sustainable public procurementTransparency in the...

9 Teen Climate Activists Fighting for the Future of the Planet

“If we don’t stop the climate crisis soon, those already impacted will be hit even more and generations like mine won’t have a livable future,” Hirsi told Teen Vogue. Currently, Hirsi, whose mother is U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.), is helping U.S. Youth Climate Strike try to organize a climate debate to help educate of-age voters on presidential candidates’ stances...