Tag - Phase

Doctors Urge Ohio Governor to Phase Out Crowded Egg Farms and Mega-Dairies Where Diseases Like Bird Flu Can Easily Spread

COLUMBUS, Ohio—The Physicians Committee, a national doctors’ group with 381 physicians in Ohio, and 17,000 doctors nationwide is calling on Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio to phase out crowded egg farms and mega-dairies where diseases like H5N1 Bird Flu can easily spread. In Ohio, there are about  295 large-scale, industrial livestock facilities, according to the U.S...

NASA Invites Media to Watch Agency’s Break the Ice Lunar Challenge Final Phase

NASA will announce the winners of the final phase of its Break the Ice Lunar Challenge on Wednesday, June 12 at Alabama A&M University’s (AAMU) Agribition Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The challenge aims to develop new technologies that could support a sustained human presence on the Moon by the end of the decade. Media and the public are invited to watch the...

Next coronavirus phase calls for cautious but immediate reopening of economy – Conservative Partnership Institute

Next coronavirus phase calls for cautious but immediate reopening of economy – Conservative Partnership Institute

Contrary to the media narrative, the data is unclear on how much good these shutdowns have actually done. And there is no scientific evidence to justify forcing Americans to stay in their homes for months on end.
What is clear is that the emergency phase of the epidemic is drawing to a close, and that our economy is on the verge of collapse.

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NASA Doubles Down, Advances Six Innovative Tech Concepts to New Phase

NASA Doubles Down, Advances Six Innovative Tech Concepts to New Phase

NASA’s Innovative Advanced Concepts program (NIAC) has selected six visionary concept studies for additional funding and development. Each study has already completed the initial NIAC phase, showing their futuristic ideas – like a lunar railway system and fluid-based telescopes – may provide fresh perspectives and approaches as NASA explores the unknown in space. The...

Sabin Vaccine Institute Begins Phase 2 Clinical Trial for Marburg Vaccine in Uganda – Sabin Vaccine Institute

The Sabin Vaccine Institute has launched a Phase 2 clinical trial for its vaccine candidate against the lethal Marburg virus. Healthy volunteers received the single-dose vaccine at Makerere University Walter Reed Project (MUWRP) in Kampala, Uganda today. There are currently no vaccines or antiviral treatments approved to treat Marburg virus disease. Marburg is a...