Tag - Perpetuate

How cop romance movies perpetuate problematic narratives – Scalawag

This story is published in collaboration with The Appeal. For more reporting that explores criminal legal issues and injustices, sign up for The Appeal’s newsletter. There is nothing romantic about the police state.  And yet, in some of the biggest hits of the rom-com world, white cops are the underdogs, just looking for the right person to love who loves them...

Does Color Blindness Perpetuate Racism?

And Justice Thomas wrote a 53-page concurring opinion, in which he asserted, uh, several times that the Constitution itself is color blind. He also took issue with some of the liberal justices who, who, Jamelle, were essentially arguing your position, that, uh, color blindness would be to, um, to, to make oneself blind to, to reality. And Justice Thomas responded to...