Tag - Peer

New Website Helps Researchers Overcome Peer Reviewers’ Preference for Animal Experiments

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A new website, AnimalMethodsBias.org, created by the Coalition to Illuminate and Address Animal Methods Bias (COLAAB), provides researchers guidance and resources aimed at helping them successfully publish nonanimal biomedical research by overcoming the preference some peer reviewers have for animal-based research methods. “We recently found that...

The Climate Peer Network is Expanding. Here’s How to Join.

The Solutions Journalism Network (SJN) launched the Climate Peer Network in August 2023 to provide a regular opportunity for journalists to discuss and share best practices on climate solutions reporting and to learn from experts on key climate topics. Now, we’re extending the pilot into an integral part of our climate work. And we’d love you to join. If you’re a...