Tag - Parts

Space Access Update #71, parts 1 & 2 5/6/97

Space Access Update #71, parts 1 & 2 5/6/97

Space Access Update #71, parts 1 & 2 5/6/97 Space Access Update #71, part 1 - 5/4/97 Copyright 1997 by Space Access Society _______________________________________________________________________ Yes, it's been six months since we put out an Update. We've delayed for a variety of reasons - we didn't want to get into detail on NASA X-33's problems while the coming...

Releasing Version 1.2 of CSAP Parts 1 to 3

Today we are releasing updates to the following parts of the Common Security Architecture for Production (CSAP): CSAP Part 1: Architecture (v1.2) CSAP Part 2: Interfaces (v1.2) CSAP Part 3: Security Levels (v1.2) These new versions come in response to comments from those organizations actively implementing CSAP in their workflows and systems. You talked, we listened...