Tag - page

What is a “Page” of PACER Content? | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner November 3, 2016 As most readers of this blog know, PACER is a system run by the Administrative Office of the Courts (AO) that hosts over a billion documents from the Federal District and Circuit courts. The system was created in the nineties and was set up with a paywall so that you pay for every “page” of data that you receive. The idea...

Page Not Found (404) – HPCwire

Synopsys Eats Ansys: Does HPC Get Indigestion? February 8, 2024 Recently, it was announced that Synopsys is buying HPC tool developer Ansys. Started in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1970 as Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc. (SASI) by John Swanson (and eventually renamed), Ansys serves the CAE (Computer Aided Engineering)/multiphysics engineering simulation market. Read more… How...

2019 Eligible Films Page is Up!

2019 Eligible Films Page is Up!

Chlotrudis member! The 2019 eligible films page has been loaded! Please review this page for any eligible films released before May 31, 2019 and let me know if you see anything missing. We will try to keep this page as up-to-date as possible, but it takes some work, so we my fall behind. We’re almost halfway through the year! Hope you’re watching some movies...

Page Not Found (404) – HPCwire

Synopsys Eats Ansys: Does HPC Get Indigestion? February 8, 2024 Recently, it was announced that Synopsys is buying HPC tool developer Ansys. Started in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1970 as Swanson Analysis Systems, Inc. (SASI) by John Swanson (and eventually renamed), Ansys serves the CAE (Computer Aided Engineering)/multiphysics engineering simulation market. Read more… How...