Tag - Packages

How to De-Risk Patching Third Party Software Packages

Originally published by Vanta. There are several steps your organization must take to protect itself from potentially exploitable packages. First, you’ll need to carefully review and triage the package vulnerabilities that present risk to your organization, then you’ll need to patch each one. Patching a package may sound easy, but doing so without breaking your...

2024 Software of the Year Award Co-Winner -Prognostics Python Packages (ProgPy)

NASA Ames Research Center: ProgPy is an open-source Python package supporting research and development of prognostics, health management, and predictive maintenance tools.   Prognostics is the science of prediction, and the field of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) aims at estimating the current physical health of a system (e.g., motor, battery, etc.) and...