New PACER Fee Data, RECAP Appearances This Week | Free Law Project

June 14, 2010 This week, RECAP team member Steve Schultze released new data on how PACER fees are collected and spent in a post entitled, “What Does It Cost to Provide Electronic Public Access to Court Records?” He will discuss this new data and other aspects of public access to federal case materials at a Law.gov event in DC tomorrow (live streaming...

Using PACER — What Could Possibly Go Wrong? | Free Law Project

Brian Carver August 26, 2014 If you only watch one video about using the federal Public Access to Court Electronic Records (PACER) system, make it this video by Free Law Project’s Brian Carver: “Using PACER: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?” The video provides a demonstration of what a regular member of the public might experience trying to find a copy...

Senator Leahy Wants PACER Documents Back Online | Free Law Project

Brian Carver September 16, 2014 Last Friday, it was reported by the Washington Post and Ars Technica that Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Senator Patrick Leahy, had sent a letter to Judge Bates, the head of the Administrative Office of the Courts (AO), urging the AO to put back online the recently-removed PACER documents from five courts. I had not seen the full...

The Cost of PACER Data? Around One Billion Dollars. | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner October 10, 2016 Recently, we started a new project to analyze a few million PACER documents that we acquired through the RECAP Project. As we began working with the data, one thing we did was count how many pages every document had so that we could calculate the average length of a PDF in PACER. Fairly quickly we learned that based on our sample, the...

Free Law Project Receives “Le Hackie” Award from D.C. Legal Hackers for PACER Research and Blogging | Free Law Project

Started in 2010, Free Law Project is the leading non-profit using technology, data, and advocacy to make the legal ecosystem more equitable and competitive. We host major open databases of opinions, federal filings, judges, financial disclosures, and oral arguments. We build open‑source tools like eyecite, juriscraper, and x-ray. We rely on your donations for our...

Roundup of House Judiciary Committee’s PACER Review   | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner February 14, 2017 The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing today on the topic of the “the effectiveness of the PACER service and use of audio and video recordings of courtroom procedures.” Three witnesses were invited by the committee to speak at the hearing, including our board member, Thomas Bruce, who spoke at length on the topic of...

Free Law Project to Serve as PACER Data Provider to Department of Labor Grantees at Georgia State University | Free Law Project

Michael Lissner February 15, 2017 EMERYVILLE, CA — Free Law Project is proud to announce that it has been selected by researchers at Georgia State University to provide PACER data for their research on employment misclassification lawsuits. The purpose of their research is to gain an understanding of how courts distinguish between employees and independent...