Tag - OpenSFS

OpenSFS Reinvents Itself with a Focus on User Needs

OpenSFS Reinvents Itself with a Focus on User Needs

BLOOMINGTON, Ind.—Lustre is the file system of choice for the majority of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, helping researchers extract knowledge from data to drive discovery around the world. Today, the nonprofit organization dedicated to the success of the Lustre file system, Open Scalable File Systems Inc., or OpenSFS, announces organizational changes to...

OpenSFS and EOFS to Tout Lustre at SC12 – High-Performance Computing News Analysis

OpenSFS and EOFS to Tout Lustre at SC12 – High-Performance Computing News Analysis

Over at the Lustre User Group, Norm Morse writes that OpenSFS and EOFS will be at SC12 Nov 12 – 15th talking open source and file systems in booth #2101. At SC12, we’ve got great talks at our booth Monday evening at 7:30 for starters and our popular popcorn and beer reception will be Tuesday evening from 4 to 6. And we’ve got talks at the booth on Tuesday and...

With New RFP, OpenSFS to Invest in Critical Open Source Technologies for HPC

Today OpenSFS released a new Request for Proposals for Lustre feature development feature development, parallel file system tools, addressing Lustre technical debt, and new efforts in parallel file system development (incubators). In 2012, OpenSFS invested over $2 million dollars in open source scalable file system technologies, including significant investments in...

Tommy Minyard Elected Community Representative Director of OpenSFS

Today OpenSFS announced that Tommy Minyard from TACC has been elected the Community Representative Director for the 2013 term. The term runs from March to March each year. From the early days, TACC has been a major supporter of the work OpenSFS has done leading Lustre and other open source file systems development. I thank the OpenSFS board for this vote of...

New OpenSFS Rep on the Future of Lustre

Tommy Minyard has been selected as this year’s Community Representative Director at Open Scalable File Systems (OpenSFS). Minyard will continue to hold down his “day job” as Director of Advanced Computing Systems (ACS) at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC), where his group is responsible for operating and maintaining TACC’s production systems and...

OpenSFS Publishes LUG 2013 Agenda

Today OpenSFS published the full agenda for LUG 2013, the Lustre community’s annual user group meeting. The event will take place in San Diego April 16-18. This year LUG will truly be a tour de force of Lustre developers, users and vendors. I am so impressed with the range of technical topics, with lots of focus and energy around what comes next. It’s very exciting...

LUG 2013 Kicks Off with Surprise Announcement from OpenSFS

The LUG 2013 Lustre User Group conference kicked off this morning in San Diego with a surprise announcement of a change in the management structure for its governing body, OpenSFS. Norman Morse, who has been the CEO of the organization since it was founded in 2010, has resigned. In his opening address, Morse called for called for continued unity in the Lustre user...

OpenSFS to Sponsor Lustre Events at ISC’13

OpenSFS to Sponsor Lustre Events at ISC’13

OpenSFS is sponsoring a number of Lustre community events as well as a booth at ISC’13 in Leipzig, Germany. Lustre Birds of a Feather Session (Tuesday, June 18 from 3:30-5:30pm) Room M05 at the Messhaus, located next door to the Congress Center Agenda: Community introduction: Galen Shipman, OpenSFS, and Hugo Falter, EOFS Fastforward project, Eric Barton, Intel Lustre...