Tag - Oil

Big Oil Steps Up Support for Carbon Tax

Big Oil Steps Up Support for Carbon Tax

Some of the world’s largest oil companies and the country’s biggest auto maker are joining a group pushing the U.S. government to tax carbon in an effort to slow climate change. General Motors Co. , Exxon Mobil Corp. and BP PLC are among almost a dozen companies joining the Climate Leadership Council, a new organization that advocates replacing many environmental...

Big Oil wants to tax itself and give cash to Americans

Big Oil wants to tax itself and give cash to Americans

Major oil companies including ExxonMobil (XOM), BP (BP), Royal Dutch Shell (RDSA) and Total (TOT) backed a carbon tax proposal on Tuesday that has been gaining traction in Washington. Other big-name backers include billionaire former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, physicist Stephen Hawking and former U.S. Treasury Secretary Larry Summers. The plan has found...

Big Oil backs carbon tax push

Big Oil backs carbon tax push

A strange bedfellows coalition, including four of the world’s biggest oil and natural gas producers, environmental groups and political leaders, are announcing a unified push urging Congress to enact a carbon tax to address climate change on Wednesday. Why it matters: The support of major oil and natural gas companies — Exxon Mobil Corp., Royal Dutch Shell, Total and...

Puffin Cosponsors March 7th Rally to Ban Unsafe Oil Trains in Bergen County

February 24, 2015 Rally to Ban Unsafe Oil Trains from the Oradell Reservoir and Our Communities Because of an oil boom in the Bakken region of North Dakota, up to thirty CSX trains carrying toxic and highly volatile crude oil pass through Bergen County every week. These trains – up to 100 cars-long – pass over the Oradell Reservoir, source of drinking water for...

Oil companies lobby for carbon tax

Oil companies lobby for carbon tax

Oil company leaders and other business executives are meeting virtually this week with more than a dozen Democratic and Republican senators to advocate for a carbon tax. The companies are aiming to shift the debate as Congress considers President Joe Biden’s infrastructure proposal, which excludes a carbon tax. Specifically, the companies will lobby for a carbon tax...

Oil, utility execs lobby senators on carbon fee

Oil, utility execs lobby senators on carbon fee

Executives from oil companies, utilities and some of the world’s biggest companies are meeting with senators and staff this week to push a carbon-fee-and-dividend proposal. The Climate Leadership Council has organized virtual meetings with members of both parties and executives from ConocoPhillips, Exelon Corp., Exxon Mobil Corp., Ford Motor Co., General Motors Co...