Tag - Ohio

Doctors Urge Ohio Governor to Phase Out Crowded Egg Farms and Mega-Dairies Where Diseases Like Bird Flu Can Easily Spread

COLUMBUS, Ohio—The Physicians Committee, a national doctors’ group with 381 physicians in Ohio, and 17,000 doctors nationwide is calling on Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio to phase out crowded egg farms and mega-dairies where diseases like H5N1 Bird Flu can easily spread. In Ohio, there are about  295 large-scale, industrial livestock facilities, according to the U.S...

Meet the Simunauts: Ohio State Students to Test Space Food Solutions for NASA

By Savannah Bullard NASA’s Deep Space Food Challenge kicks off its final eight-week demonstration this month, and a new crew is running the show.  NASA’s partner for the Deep Space Food Challenge, the Methuselah Foundation, has teamed up  with Ohio State University in Columbus to facilitate the challenge’s third and final phase. The university is employing current...

NASA Glenn Kicks Off Ohio Space Forum

NASA’s Glenn Research Center kicked off the Ohio Space Forum with a tour of several research facilities at its Cleveland location on April 29. The annual two-day forum brings together federal, military, industry, and academic leaders in space research, operations, intelligence, exploration, and defense. It enables attendees to gather among nationally recognized...