Tag - October

October 2015 Monthly Update

Just in time for Halloween, it’s the Ruby Together monthly update for October 2015! This month we paid for 40 hours of developer time to maintain and improve Bundler and RubyGems.org. We gained four new individual members, and three new company members. Every new member means we’re able to do more for the Ruby community, so if you’re not a member yet, sign up today...

National Academy of Public Administration – List of New Fellows October 8, 2015 – National Academy of Public Administration Unveils New Report on Cybersecurity Education

National Academy of Public Administration – List of New Fellows October 8, 2015 – National Academy of Public Administration Unveils New Report on Cybersecurity Education Post Date: October 08, 2015 WASHINGTON, DC – The National Academy of Public Administration today unveiled a new report, Increasing the Effectiveness of the Federal Role in Cybersecurity...

October 2016 Monthly Update

Welcome to the October 2016 Ruby Together monthly update! This month we released Bundler 1.13.[3..6], weathered great internet storms, and dramatically improved response times. We did it with 70.3 hours of paid work on Bundler, RubyGems, and RubyGems.org. ruby together news This month, Michael R. Bernstein (@mrb_bk) has joined us as a consultant to help with...

October and November 2017 Monthly Update

Hello! Welcome to a super-sized double monthly update for the months of October and November. During that time, our work was supported by reinteractive, Stripe, Bleacher Report, thoughtbot, and many others. ruby together news In October and November, Ruby Together was supported by 76 different companies, including Ruby member reinteractive and Sapphire member Stripe...

October 2018 Monthly Update

Hello! Welcome to the monthly update. During October, our work was supported by Handshake, Stripe, DigitalOcean, GitLab, and many others. ruby together news In October, Ruby Together was supported by 72 different companies, including Ruby member Handshake and Sapphire member Stripe. Three new developers signed up as members or friends of Ruby Together. In total, we...

October 2020 Monthly Update

Hello! Welcome to the monthly update. During October, our work was supported by Zendesk, Bleacher Report, Stitch Fix, and many others. ruby together news In October, Ruby Together was supported by 43 different companies, including Ruby member Zendesk and Sapphire member Stripe. 5 companies joined as new members. On top of those companies, 5 new developers signed up...

New Articles October 14-21 | Society for Freshwater Science

New Articles October 14-21 | Society for Freshwater Science

New Articles October 14-21 Freshwater-specific journals (4): Freshwater Biology, Freshwater Science, Limnology and Oceanography, Marine and Freshwater Research Broad-based journals (6): Ecological Applications, Ecology, Nature, Oecologia, Oikos, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Biodiversity Pennekamp F., Pontarp M., Tabi A., Altermatt F., Alther R...

New Articles October 22-28 | Society for Freshwater Science

New Articles October 22-28 | Society for Freshwater Science

New Articles October 22-28 Broad-Based (3): Oecologia (2), Oikos (1), Ecology Letters (1) Freshwater Specific (5): Hydrobiologia (7), Limnology and Oceanography (1), River Research and Applications (3), Marine and Freshwater Research (2), Freshwater Science (1)   Amphibians Hall, E. M., C. S. Goldberg, J. L. Brunner, and E. J. Crespi. Seasonal dynamics and potential...

New Articles October 29 – November 4

New Articles October 29 – November 4

New Articles October 29 – November 4 Freshwater-Specific Journals (6): Freshwater Biology, Hydrobiologia, Journal of Freshwater Ecology, Limnology and Oceanography, Limnology and Oceanography Letters, River Research and Applications Broad Based Journals (3): Ecological Applications, Oecologia, Trends in Ecology and Evolution   Algae Ann, V., A. Freixa, A...

October 2021 Monthly Update

Hello! Welcome to the monthly update. During October, our work was supported by Zendesk, DigitalOcean, Stitch Fix, and many others. ruby together news In October, Ruby Together was supported by 35 different companies, including Ruby member Zendesk. 12 companies joined as new members. On top of those companies, 12 new developers signed up as members, including...