Tag - Notes

June’s Night Sky Notes: Constant Companions: Circumpolar Constellations, Part III

Herschel’s Garnet Star: Mu Cephei is a deep-red hypergiant known as The Garnet Star, or Erakis. While the star is not part of the constellation pattern, it sits within the constellation boundary of Cepheus, and is more than 1,000 times the size of our Sun. Like its neighbor Delta Cephei, this star is variable, but is not a reliable Cepheid variable. Rather, its...

Cleta Mitchell notes election integrity coalitions can achieve success – Conservative Partnership Institute

Cleta Mitchell notes election integrity coalitions can achieve success – Conservative Partnership Institute

Pro-election integrity volunteers and activists made a positive impact in monitoring potential fraud during the recent Virginia elections. CPI’s Election Integrity Network Senior Legal Fellow Cleta Mitchell was instrumental in creating and implementing that process. Cleta helped develop a citizen’s task force that made the difference. Can other states replicate the...

Ken Blackwell notes Democracy only survives when We The People can see inside – Conservative Partnership Institute

Ken Blackwell notes Democracy only survives when We The People can see inside – Conservative Partnership Institute

“Democracy depends on transparency” notes Ken Blackwell of the Center For Election Integrity at the America First Policy Institute and the Public Interest Legal Foundation. He notes we must thoroughly examine all aspects of voting in the 2020 elections, make sure fraud and corruption do not occur again, and get private, agenda-driven money out of voting — all...

Bonus Beltway energy and climate notes

Bonus Beltway energy and climate notes

Executives with corporate heavyweights like Exxon, Ford and IBM are meeting with Democratic and Republican senators this week on climate policy. Where it stands: The meetings are under the banner of the Climate Leadership Council, a group of companies and environmental groups pushing a carbon tax that would return the revenues to the public. Why it matters: It...

May’s Night Sky Notes: Stargazing for Beginners

If you’re looking at your phone, you won’t be able to see as much. Our eyes take approximately 30 minutes to get dark sky adapted, and a bright light can ruin our night vision temporarily. The easiest way to stay dark sky adapted is to avoid any bright lights from car headlights or your smartphone. To avoid this, simply use red lights, such as a red flashlight or...