Tag - Network

The Students Keep Excelling | Solutions Journalism Network

The hits just keep coming from the Mental Health Collaborative, made up of nine student newsrooms in North Carolina and part of SJN’s Student Media Challenge! The Pepperdine University Graphic solutions journalism team wrote a piece explaining its work for the semester. “As young journalists, we will be covering the consequences of climate change,” they wrote...

Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson joins Solutions Journalism Network as climate director | by Solutions Journalism | May, 2024

Climate is a core focus at the Solutions Journalism Network as our organization leads a global shift in journalism centered on what the news misses most often: how people are trying to solve problems and what we can learn from their successes or failures. To that end, SJN is placing an increased emphasis on helping others advance solutions practice through innovative...

Introducing the Solutions Journalism Network Complicating the Narratives (CTN) 2023 Fellows | by Julia Hotz

CTN Fellows, top row from left: Joseph Darius Jaafari, Shia Levitt, Hugo Balta, Sanya Kamidi. Middle: James Rinker, Deborah Douglas, Jamie Jiang. Bottom: Ashton Marra, Richard Davies, Audrey Henderson, Colleen Hagerty. As the United States grapples with worsening polarization and seemingly intractable conflict, the Solutions Journalism Network is thrilled to announce...

Announcing the 2023 Solutions Journalism Network Award Winners | by Solutions Journalism | May, 2024

by Holly Wise, program operations manager and SJN Awards manager Today we’re thrilled to announce the winners of the inaugural Solutions Journalism Network Awards program! With over 400 entries from 13 countries, the competition was fierce. From established national outlets to the heart of rural communities and the next generation of journalists, this awards program...

A network to sustain life

This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) In 2016, women in the municipalities of Chemax, Chikindzonot, Halachó, Kinchil, Mayapan, Tekom, Tixcacalcupul and Yaxcabá, in the state of Yucatán, created a network of Maya women promoting justice. The founders had experience in midwifery, medical massage, cultural development, and sports.  The network aims to build...

Announcing the 2023 Solutions Journalism Network Award Winners | by Solutions Journalism | May, 2024

by Holly Wise, program operations manager and SJN Awards manager Today we’re thrilled to announce the winners of the inaugural Solutions Journalism Network Awards program! With over 400 entries from 13 countries, the competition was fierce. From established national outlets to the heart of rural communities and the next generation of journalists, this awards program...

Announcing the 2023 Solutions Journalism Network Award Winners

Today we’re thrilled to announce the winners of the inaugural Solutions Journalism Network Awards program! With over 400 entries from 13 countries, the competition was fierce.  From established national outlets to the heart of rural communities and the next generation of journalists, this awards program received entries showcasing the breadth of solutions-oriented...

Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson joins Solutions Journalism Network as climate director | by Sara Catania | Apr, 2024

SJN: What drew you to solutions journalism and to a job helping it spread?Lagipoiva: Reporting on the climate crisis globally for the last 20 years naturally drew me to solutions journalism. Covering resilience and solutions from a Global South perspective has been a professional priority my entire career. Having the opportunity to build a global climate solutions...