Tag - net

Study Shows How A Carbon Price Can Speed Progress to Net Zero

Study Shows How A Carbon Price Can Speed Progress to Net Zero

WASHINGTON, DC – The Climate Leadership Council released a new report outlining why a carbon price is an essential tool to reach net-zero emissions by midcentury. The report shows that a carbon fee by itself will halve U.S. CO2 emissions and dramatically curb some of the most common air pollutants by 2035. If combined with other commonly-discussed mitigation tools...

China and US look to rekindle Paris bond to reach net zero

China and US look to rekindle Paris bond to reach net zero

Last month, two veteran diplomats met in Shanghai to renew a 20-year-old working relationship and hammer out the text of a sensitive joint communiqué. The communiqué in question — the joint US-China statement addressing the climate crisis — reconfirmed the two countries’ commitment to working together to meet the Paris climate goals. The two men who signed it — John...

Without a real safety net in the South, a housing crisis looms – Scalawag

More than 70,000 evictions have been filed in cities across the South since March 15, 2020, the day much of the country issued shelter-in-place orders to curb the spread of COVID-19. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention moratorium intended to keep people housed through the pandemic hasn’t been a catchall solution nor has it entirely prevented landlords...