Tag - needed

Giant Batteries Deliver Renewable Energy When It’s Needed

Solar power is abundant – when the Sun is shining. Wind power is steady – when the wind is blowing. However, creating a steady electricity supply from intermittent power sources is a challenge. NASA was focused on this problem more than 45 years ago when the agency designed a new type of liquid battery during the energy price shocks of the 1970s. While engineers...

Carbon Fee Needed to Combat Climate Change

Carbon Fee Needed to Combat Climate Change

As our nation responds to the economic devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic, a well-designed climate policy can strengthen America’s recovery and improve its strategic position in the world. Our bipartisan carbon-dividend solution – backed by a broad coalition of supporters – is ideally suited for this moment. It will be tough enough to reverse today’s economic...

Volunteers Needed to Clean Up Easton Reservoir  – Easton Courier

First Selectman David Bindelglass and State Rep. Anne Hughes are partnering with Connecticut Clean Communities to host a cleanup day along the Easton Reservoir to commemorate World Water Day.   Connecticut Clean Communities is a non-profit organization that champions environmental responsibility through education, public outreach and training, as well as by holding...

Urgent Support Needed Now: #AidforOdesa – Nova Ukraine

On March 15th, 2024, Odesa faced a devastating “double-tap” strike on vital infrastructure that killed emergency workers rescuing the victims. The aftermath left the third most populous city in Ukraine reeling. Lives were upturned, homes were destroyed, and the spirit of the Ukrainian people was tested once again. As the situation in Odesa continues to unfold, the...

The queer survival and coming-of-age book I needed as a child – Scalawag

Content warning: This review contains mentions of sexual violence. “I contemplated whether I would write about you now that you are dead.” — George M. Johnson It is the summer of 2006. I’m sitting on the eve of my childhood—which is the porch of my friend Melanie’s house—wondering what we’re going to do tonight. Maybe watch the Dallas...