Tag - Moving

NASA Citizen Scientists Spot Object Moving 1 Million Miles Per Hour

This discovery has been a team effort on multiple levels—a collaboration involving volunteers, professionals, and students. Kabatnik credits other citizen scientists with helping him search, including Melina Thévenot, who “blew my mind with her personal blog about doing searches using Astronomical Data Query Language,” he said. Software written by citizen scientist...

Moving Forward: Red Cloud’s Fifth Annual Lakota Language Camp

←BACK         Early this summer, under a warm June sun, small groups of Red Cloud students ran across campus calling out to one another in the Lakota language. They were taking part in a Lakota version of the “Amazing Race”—an interactive game that was designed especially for this year’s fifth annual Lakȟól’iya Wičhóthi or Lakota Language Camp. To teach campers...

Mississippi Votes’ youth organizers are moving the election needle – Scalawag

With the 2022 election season looming—or in some states, already upon us—Scalawag and Anoa Changa are talking to Southern communities about electoral politics and how they have held power to account in the face of compounding crises of the last two years. Check out the rest of the series. Mississippi is one of the Blackest states in the nation with some of the most...

Lustre File System Moving From Lab To Big Data Apps

Proponents of the Lustre file system maintain it is poised to make the jump from HPC installations into the enterprise, driven by the surging amount of data that companies are pooling. If that prediction pans out, a parallel file system backed by an industry consortium could emerge as a standard across multiple platforms, an industry-sponsored study concludes. Lustre...