Tag - Move

No votes are suppressed due to race or gender in today’s America. Move on. – Conservative Partnership Institute

No votes are suppressed due to race or gender in today’s America. Move on. – Conservative Partnership Institute

Not all wise policy observations come from “experts” and the pundit class; many are through every day  patriots who contribute their views to Letters to the Editor. Such is the case with Mrs. Renee Scheidt of North Carolina, whose observations on the state’s proposed election integrity laws include, “It’s past time to quit fussing about voter laws … let’s thank our...

Ethics—Both Human and Animal—Demand We Move Away From Animal Use in Biomedical Research Urgently and Focus Entirely on Human Biology Instead

In their invited review in Anesthesiology Clinics, the authors discuss ethical issues and considerations concerning the use of animals in science, and how these can be used by some to justify animal experimentation. They also make the case that human ethics must take a much more prominent role. If biomedical science is not sufficiently human relevant, then it is...

Mission Manager Update: VIPER Rover Approved to Move into Environmental Testing!

While NASA’s VIPER team has been focused on building the flight rover that will go to the South Pole of the Moon, the team has also been making preparations for environmental testing of the rover.  In April, the VIPER team passed a System Test Readiness Review, exploring the readiness of the facilities, procedures, and staff to move into stress-testing the VIPER...