Tag - Maintenance

Assessing Pennsylvania voter list maintenance

Throughout the recent budget process, some lawmakers made unsubstantiated claims that Pennsylvania’s voter rolls are bloated – full of people who have long ago moved or died. This rhetoric, along with proposed legislation to “modernize” voter roll maintenance, paints a picture of hundreds of thousands of ineligible voters submitting illegal ballots and skewing...

Maintenance on High-Speed Wind Tunnel

During April and May 2024, maintenance is being conducted within the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel (UPWT) complex at NASA Ames Research Center.  One key part of this maintenance is the inspection of stators in the 3-stage compressor.  Stators are fixed blades that control the flow of air, which can reach a speed of Mach 1.4 (about 1100 miles per hour in air at 100F)...