Tag - Looms

Without a real safety net in the South, a housing crisis looms – Scalawag

More than 70,000 evictions have been filed in cities across the South since March 15, 2020, the day much of the country issued shelter-in-place orders to curb the spread of COVID-19. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention moratorium intended to keep people housed through the pandemic hasn’t been a catchall solution nor has it entirely prevented landlords...

As European tax looms, a border fee draws bipartisan focus

As European tax looms, a border fee draws bipartisan focus

On both sides of Capitol Hill, there is budding interest in implementing taxes on carbon-intensive goods that enter the U.S., though Democrats and Republicans tend to be interested for different reasons. In the Senate, Louisiana Republican Bill Cassidy is writing a preliminary bill, expected in a few months, to place a fee on foreign products brought into the country...