Tag - line

Liberal’s election corruption Plan B is a line item in the Biden budget – Conservative Partnership Institute

Liberal’s election corruption Plan B is a line item in the Biden budget – Conservative Partnership Institute

Unable to walk through the front door to loosen election security, liberals found the back door. As their attempts to steal Constitutional responsibility for election procedures from the states by nationalizing it legislatively has been a failure, Plan B is taking it over through the federal budget. President Biden’s latest budget is a transparent plan to buy off...

Senator Joe Manchin cannot trip over his own red line – Conservative Partnership Institute

Senator Joe Manchin cannot trip over his own red line – Conservative Partnership Institute

After Democrats’ plan to exert partisan, federal control over elections failed in June, Joe Manchin (D-WV) publicly demanded new legislation be bi-partisan and contain voter ID. He rejected provisions making any Attorney General a voting “czar.” He rejected turning voting control over to DC bureaucrats. Democrats’ newest legislation now awaiting action in the Senate...