Tag - Lights

Turning the Election Integrity Lights On In Michigan – Conservative Partnership Institute

Turning the Election Integrity Lights On In Michigan – Conservative Partnership Institute

Patrice Johnson is a native Michigander and resident of central Michigan. Her experience as a trade association executive and entrepreneur in the early days of the Internet have provided her with the organizational skills to create and lead grassroots organizations focused on election integrity in her state. Pure Integrity Michigan Elections was started by Patrice...

The Phoenix Lights | NUFORC

The following is a preliminary summary of perhaps the most dramatic UFO sighting that has been reported to the National UFO Reporting Center over the last 2-3 years.  Please note that this report is the result of some of the first data received by NUFORC, and is subject to revision depending on subsequent reports and data that may be received in the future. Also...

The Phoenix Lights – 2 Years Later

Saturday, March 13, 1999, marks the second anniversary of the dramatic UFO sighting event that occurred two years ago over both the states of Nevada and Arizona, an event generally referred to as the “Phoenix Lights” case.   One unconfirmed sighting report was received from the State of New Mexico, as well. Many aspects of the case still remain unexplained and...